I popoli non dovrebbero avere paura dei propri governi, ma sono i governi che devono aver paura dei propri popoli. (Thomas Jefferson)

Ankallisgalleria näyttely / Ateneum
Ulrich Schröder & Daan Jippes: Ankanpoika ja varis
valokuvaus: Hannu Aaltonen / Kansallisgalleria
The Ateneum Art Museum, which is part of the Finnish National Gallery, has the privilege to present masterpieces from the National Gallery of Duckburg, for the first time outside Duckburg. Gems of Duckburgian art will be shown alongside works from the Ateneum collection at the Stories of Finnish Art exhibition, from 3 October 2017 to 25 February 2018. The National Gallery of Duckburg has lent the works on display to the Ateneum in honour of Finland’s centenary year celebrations.
“The classics of Finnish art live and influence our visual culture every single day. Memorable works of art such as the Mona Lisa or, say, The Fighting Capercaillies, have always inspired other artists and lent themselves to new interpretations. The works from the National Gallery of Duckburg are a delightful example of this”, says the museum director, Susanna Pettersson.

Ankallisgalleria näyttely / Ateneum
Don Rosa: Aku Ankan setä
valokuvaus: Hannu Aaltonen / Kansallisgalleria
Audubon Gander-Kallela: Donald Duck’s Uncle.
National Gallery of Duckburg.
Photo: National Gallery of Duckburg
Audubon Gander-Kallela, Duckburgian
Donald Duck’s Uncle
National Gallery of Duckburg
Donald Duck’s Uncle combines the two main strands of Audubon Gander-Kallela’s output: elemental avian romanticism and perceptive portraiture. Scrooge McDuck was first seen as a young boy in Gander-Kallela’s Duckling with a Crow, and here we come full circle. The crow has reclaimed the coin lost all those years ago. The dark, sombre colours evoke an almost desperate mood, but Scrooge McDuck’s grim expression also shows traces of resolution and protectiveness. The unconscious nephew’s well-being is his prime concern.
Questo dipinto ha fatto balzare sulla sedia il povero, dolente curatore di questo blog.
E allora, valeva la pena condividerlo, pur ignorando il progetto alla base del dipinto, non esattamente in linea con i celebrati oli di Carl Barks.
intanto, un saluto a tutti i followers sopravvissuti.
Appena possibile tenterò di rispondere ad ognuno e a ciascheduno. Intanto Cocco Bill, Popeye e altri compagni di ventura lo/mi tengono in ostaggio.
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