
Per l’ombra del Magno Cesare!

E’ una notizia?
Mah… sì, forse sì. La battono le agenzie.
Il confine tra news e bufale è spesso sottile.
Ma se, come altri illustri quotidiani, anche il Daily Planet si riconverte in giornale digitale, ecco che il collega Clark Kent, sdegnato, si rifugia nel web divenendo blogger.

Somiglia vagamente

La notizia:

The fictional superhero’s alter ego Clark Kent, who has been working as a reporter on The Daily Planet since the 1940’s, leaves the newspaper business after becoming discontent with the state of 21st century journalism.
Instead Clark Kent is expected to start the next big online blog as a roving citizen journalist, according to writer Scott Lobdell.

Aggiunte, o meglio: “supplemento di informazioni”:


“I don’t think he’s going to be filling out an application anywhere,” Lobdell tells USA Today. “He is more likely to start the next Huffington Post or the next Drudge Report than he is to go find someone else to get assignments or draw a paycheck from.”


The writer says the employment shakeup was spurred in part by a desire view the character through a contemporary prism, one in which new-media careers apparently are more topical than traditional newspaper jobs. “When we started discussions,” Lobdell says, “they were like, ‘Yep, let’s see where this goes. Let’s take the sacred super-cows and start looking at Superman with a new set of eyes.’ ”

Sotto, una visione panoramica e approfondita della patria terrestre di Superman, dove il Daily Planet soge(va).

Oh, be’, non era esattamente Metropolis, anche se le somigliava!

Sopra, una delle classiche imprese animate dell’Uomo d’acciaio: Volcano, diretta da Dave Fleischer. Si apre con una panoramica urbana coeva a quella del filmato dal vero immediatemente sopra.

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Lois Lane copy




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Grazie a Maristella Favero e a Comic Book Resources.
